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Updated 2022-06-11
Developer Weird420XL
Total size 115mb
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TV Show - Episode 7

Okay, so, this is episode 7 of this series. The basic premise is, essentially, pitching a pornographic series to Netflix. Though, I do wonder if Disney+ might be more interested in it or less interested in it due to the recent events surrounding them. On one hand, the Chip N Dale movie and the latest Ms. Marvel series seem really desperate to pander to audience they don't understand, so they might see this series and think "Wow, I don't get it, but I bet those stupid millenials and super-fans might like it because of the sex and furries."

Anyways, my birthday is actually coming up pretty soon, which also marks my one-year-anniversary working on visual novels. I would really appreciate reading a fanfiction or seeing some fan-art for my series. So, I'm going to put up something of a contest, I guess. I'm going to set aside $200 for my birthday next month. I'm going to e-transfer $150 to the person who posts what I consider to be the best piece of fan art on my Discord, and $50 to whoever writes what I consider to be the best fanfiction on my Discord.

Anyways, this episode is something of a filler episode that's primarily meant to set-up what happens in the next one,  as well as the finale which I'm pretty excited for. I've also decided to do something kinda fun and post a story that I've been working on that I'm waiting on some art before I post it as something of a bonus feature when I update the 1-5 Megapack with the 6th episode and updated character models for the waitress and Saffire being alive. You can see both of those models, as well as one of the Prince Pavor The 7th models on my Discord. I also have some line-art for Artemis done, as well as a basic version of the backside of the prince. I hope you enjoy this story, as well as the visual novel. Looking forward to seeing at least a couple of fanworks.

Meeting The Prince

At the age of 20, Artemis Phobos had established himself as arguably the most capable soldier in the London military. When he was deployed for the first time he was sent to Paris, which had been occupied by an extremist group of genocidal dragons that had taken over most of the city and murdered a large amount of the unicorn population. Artemis had been sent into the city, along with 500 unicorn soldiers, to attempt to take control of the city back from the 6000 dragons. If they failed, the city would be completely destroyed and rebuilt from the ashes.

Unfortunately, Artemis had been the only survivor of the battle. The world was able to watch as the London soldiers were massacred, and King Priapism was preparing to completely eliminate the city. But, Artemis remained standing, and he fought the terrorists as though he was possessed by an otherworldly force. What seemed like a tragedy that would further demoralize a weary world turned into a triumphant tale of hope and the potential that all unicorns were capable of achieving as the brave Artemis Phobos heroically murdered more than 5000 of the extremist dragons.

The 18-year-old prince, named Prince Pavor The 7th, was extremely impressed by the heroics of the soldier. When the unicorn returned home he was greeted by a grateful city that wanted nothing more than to ensure that he never got a single moment of rest. When the prince offered him a job as his personal bodyguard, Artemis accepted the offer on the condition that he would be given the opportunity to have a peaceful uninterrupted sleep in the castle. The unicorn would later claim that he wouldn’t have accepted his new role if he hadn’t spent a full week in the city unable to have a single moment of rest.

When the unicorn was shown to his room by one of the servants of the prince, the unicorn immediately collapsed on the floor and fell asleep. If he had been awake he would have seen the prince walk into the room with a plate full of overcooked cookies that he had intended to give to the unicorn.

When the unicorn woke up he brushed his teeth and attempted to bathe with great difficulty using the tub that was obviously meant exclusively for use by the dragons that lived in the castle. As he was attempting to wash his back Prince Pavor walked into the bathroom holding a plate of cookies that were undercooked in the center and overcooked everywhere else.

“I came here to thank you for your service to our great kingdom. Please accept these cookies as a token of my gratitude,” the prince bowed his head respectfully, but he leaned forward too far and spilled some of the cookies onto the floor.

“With all due respect, Prince Pavor, you could have chosen a better time and place to present those cookies to me,” Artemis was given a chance to study the dragon prince as he attempted to pick up the cookies that had fallen on the floor. The first thing that he noticed was the makeup on the face of the prince. The second thing that he noticed was what appeared to be a piercing on the prince’s belly, as well as piercings on the horns of the dragon.

“I am very sorry, Artemis, I did not realize that the cookies would become soaked when I brought them here. I will be more considerate with my offerings to you in the future,” the dragon prince turned around and left the room to move his plate of cookies to a dryer place, which gave Artemis Phobos the opportunity to see the prince’s bum. Normally the bum of a dragon, even if the dragon was a prince, would be unremarkable. However, there was something very special about Prince Pavor’s bum that Artemis couldn’t help himself from gawking at.

“Do you like what you see?” Prince Pavor’s voice broke the unicorn back to reality from his trance, and he shook his head in a futile attempt to remove the lewd thoughts from his mind.

“Why is there a ruby wedged in your bum?” The prince seemed completely unfazed by the question, as though he fully expected the unicorn to inquire about the ruby and had an answer prepared for him.

“A ruby is red, which is the color of blood. If I was going to have a gem stuck in my bum I wanted it to be a ruby,” Artemis was unsatisfied with the answer that he had received.

“Why do you have a gemstone stuck in your bum?” The prince was unsure if he wanted to tell the unicorn the exact reason why a gem had been lodged inside of his anus.

“It is like the old story of how the king of London was decided by who could pull the mystical sword from the stone, except it’s my virginity. As you know, I am a prince, and in my family, we have a tradition of having something preventing our virginity from being taken from someone who is not worthy,” Artemis was already regretting asking the prince his questions instead of just accepting that he had a ruby in a very strange place.

“The straight males wear a protective condom engraved with diamonds, the females wear a protective chastity belt engraved with sapphires. Unfortunately, as the only gay male in my family, I required something different. I do not mind, however. The gem feels comforting, in a strange way,” Artemis didn’t want to ask any more questions, so he simply nodded his head and attempted to continue to wash his back. Unfortunately, in a bathtub meant for a dragon he was unable to clean himself like he normally would.

“Would you appreciate some help cleaning your body?” The feigned innocence of the prince’s question annoyed Artemis. He suspected that there had to have been a bedroom in the castle that was made to accommodate the needs of a unicorn, and since the toothbrush that he had found in the bathroom was able to be used by a unicorn the prince had to have known that the tub was unfit for him to use by himself. The prince had obviously planned the scenario, and Artemis didn’t want to play his game, or so he believed.

“Unicorn bathtubs are forbidden in the castle because normally unicorns are not allowed to spend the night here. You have no idea how much I had to beg my father to allow you to stay here,” Artemis felt a little embarrassed for his false assumptions. He should have known that the king that had ordered him and the rest of his friends on a suicide mission wouldn’t have been fond of having the sole survivor of that mission in his home.

“I apologize for my assumption. If you wish to aid me, you are welcome to wash my back. I believe that some of the blood from either my fallen comrades or my vanquished foes needs to be washed away,” as he said those words Artemis considered the possibility that he would never truly feel as though the blood had ever been washed away. The memories of seeing his friends die would never truly leave him.

The prince grinned as he walked up to the unicorn and began to scrub his back. Artemis remained still as he felt the claws of the dragon caress his flesh, and he felt mildly embarrassed at how much he was enjoying the touch of the prince.

“Is the brave soldier enjoying this? Do you like being caressed by your grateful and amorous prince?” The prince climbed onto Artemis’s back in order to reach his neck. He positioned himself so that his hips were rubbing against the unicorn’s bum while his mouth was able to softly kiss Artemis’s neck.

“I could be your vampire, Artemis. I could ravish you as no one can,” Artemis couldn’t stop himself from chuckling when he heard the claim that the prince had made.

“The ruby stuck in your butt means that you are still a virgin. Do you seriously believe that you can ravish me as no one else can?” The prince pretended to ignore the unicorn’s statement as he caressed his body, ground his hips against the unicorn, and kissed his neck as though he was a nymph in heat who was desperate for a cock to be shoved inside of them.

“What is your problem, Artemis? Do you not like me?” Artemis wanted so badly to tell the dragon prince that he wasn’t in the mood for sex. He hated that when he arrived back in London he felt as though he needed to be strong and silent. He disliked that when he was on the boat being taken back home while on the verge of having a mental breakdown he was told to keep calm and carry on for the sake of the morale of the citizens that expected him to die.

He hated how he was sent to save what was left of a city where the remnants of the civilization were currently protesting him and demanding that he be held responsible for the damage he had done to the homes of the civilians, yet those same civilians had done very little to defend themselves from the genocidal dragons. He hated the civilians for claiming that the dragons who had murdered their family and friends were being treated as brave martyrs fighting for a righteous cause, while he was seen as a dumb brute simply following the orders of the king without question.

All that he wanted to do was sleep and grieve, yet the city refused to allow him to do so. The old unicorns were telling him to act like their ideal war hero, stone-faced after a great tragedy, while the younger unicorns were sneering at him and calling him a fascist without understanding what the word meant. He was aware that the majority of creatures were probably supportive of him and proud of him, but it was hard to even remember that those creatures existed when they were too busy keeping calm and carrying on to make their voices heard.

“Your father sent all of my friends to die. It would be a great insult to my fallen comrades if I were to fellate the son of the king,” Prince Pavor seemed undeterred from his quest to gain the affections of the unicorn.

“You may stop washing me now. I am very clean,” the prince pouted and snuggled into the unicorn’s coat.

“Awww, but I like it up here. You have such a nice back,” with a quick motion, the prince climbed from Artemis’s back and appeared in front of him. The prince then gave Artemis a quick peck on his lips. Although he was disappointed that Artemis refused to react to his kiss, the dragon prince tried to remain as positive as he could.

“I think that I am clean enough now,” Artemis turned off the water using his mouth and he stepped out of the tub. The prince eagerly followed him like either a loyal puppy, a smitten lover, or a little brother would.

“Why do you like me so much?” The unicorn believed that he knew what the prince would say. He was a war hero with his victory so fresh that the scent of the blood of his enemies still floated in the air after his bath. He was also a unicorn, and he was fully aware that many dragons seemed to fetishize unicorns and kishunimaras to a great extent. The last thing that Artemis wanted to be was a sex object to be used by the prince for what he was instead of who he was.

“I am supposed to like you, and you are supposed to like me. I am a prince, and you are a great hero. Is that not how the stories go?” Artemis shook his head.

“You might be a prince, but I am not a hero. If I were a hero I would have saved my friends,” the prince placed his head over his heart and cooed when he heard what Artemis had told him.

“Artemis, I know that your friends would be very proud of you,” Artemis said nothing to the prince, but he wanted to tell him exactly what he was thinking. He wanted to tell the prince that he couldn’t have possibly known whether or not his friends would have been proud of him because he didn’t know them and he never would get the chance to know them.

“Well, if you aren’t going to take my virginity, I guess I’ll go to sleep. As my bodyguard, I expect you to make sure that I am safe,” Artemis nodded his head and the prince grinned widely in an endearing way. The prince quickly walked up to Artemis and gave him a short peck on his cheek.

“Would you consider giving me a kiss to help me sleep?” The prince attempted to feign innocence as he asked his question. Normally, Artemis would refuse to kiss anyone who asked him, but as a servant to the nobility, he felt as though it was his duty to do whatever he could to ensure that the prince was happy, healthy, and safe. If that meant giving him a kiss so that he could sleep with a smile on his face, that was what he would do.

The unicorn leaned towards the prince, and the excited prince leaned forward so that their mouths would intersect. The prince closed his eyes as their mouths connected and their tongues danced together like two lovers in the evening when no eyes were able to see them or judge them. The prince was the first one to pull away because he was unable to hold his breath for as long as Artemis could.

“You’re a really good kisser,” Artemis was embarrassed to admit that he felt proud that the prince had complimented him. The prince smiled at Artemis, then he quickly moved to Artemis’s bed and tucked himself underneath the covers.

“Goodnight, Artemis,” the prince fell asleep before he could hear Artemis telling him to have sweet dreams.

With the prince asleep, Artemis felt like he had a duty to watch over him to ensure his safety. He walked up to the bed and stood beside it so that he could watch the prince as he slept. He felt ashamed to admit that he enjoyed seeing the peaceful face of the prince as he slept with a wide smile on his face.

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