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Updated 2022-01-28
Developer kurotozakka
Total size 686mb
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Crimson Flash Aries

An action RPG about novice adventurer Aries setting out to explore the world.
Various towns, interesting people, and unavoidable disaster and battles await her.

Characters and system are all self-created!
With high quality character designs, great scenario, and accompanying animation,
you'll feel like you're watching an anime.

Battles feature silky smooth action, with lots of skills to combo up!
Blow away your enemies!

H scenes include battle ero violation, sexual harassment in town,
prostitution, and more situations!
Town facilities include a massage parlor, brothel, arena, and more.

Check out the trial version or PV to get a feel for it!

This is an HRPG for those who want no compromise on RPG, action, and ero elements!

Created using WOLF RPG Editor

"Crimson Flash Aries" by kurotozakka is available for you by a search aggregator and is available in a one click. The total size of the game is 686 MB. Try other hot/burning and female protagonist free games to find the best. Check out provided screenshots of this to meet the style and the gameplay. Share the link to this game to help other players know more about it. You can find more games like this using our rich search.

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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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