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Updated 2021-02-10
Developer ankoku marimokan
Total size 99mb
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Assault on St. Purielle

* Story
Ordinary school girl Riona Tano turned heroine St. Purielle
faces gangsters and do-badders who want to f*ck her at every turn.
The sister of the Church anointed her to protect this city
... besieged by dodgy enemies, what will Purielle's fate be?

* Concept
Become Riona/Purielle and protect the city as best as you can
from sexual harassment enemies -- becoming stronger with each loss
of precious clothes.

* Transformation system
Conversations and actions change with Riona/Purielle's outfits.
Experience different events in transformed clothes or regular clothes!!
Plus, Purielle is treated differently when she's nude...

* Repentance system
Sexual harassment and r*pe make Purielle stronger
thanks to the use of "Muzan-kun", her auto-redemption device!!
Sex is not a crippling punishment, it's the way to proceed!

* Main quest
Meet with shady characters in shady locations from
behind the mountain to the secret underground, to a mysterious yakuza drug silo.
Battle bosses in climactic encounters with fail-r*pe scenes!!

* Subquests
Errands, toilet graffiti, underwater exploration, photoshoots, punishing bullies...
Help the people of the city as Riona/Purielle.
As you might expect, she's bound for trouble even here...

* H contents
25 base CGs, 236 total CGs incl. variations (not incl. pose art)
CG mode is built in / Playtime is 2-3 hours to complete

Please play the trial version to confirm compatibility.

Requires RPG Tkool VX RTP (free):

The game by ankoku marimokan is provided for you by and is available for free download. The total size of the game is 99 MB. Try other transforming girl and short skirt games to find your favourite. Take a look at the screenshots of this before downloading it to meet the style and the gameplay. Share this game to allow others to discover it. Find more adult games using our rich search.

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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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