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Updated 2022-03-08
Developer stbo
Language en
Total size 162mb
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Vampire Reformatory


This game is inherently dystopian, which means it contains a lot of unethical content. This includes frequent depictions of non-consensual sexual activity. This may be distressing for some people. All characters are at least 18 years of age.

You can read more about the intent behind these themes .


After a long period of conflict which drove them to the verge of total genocide, vampires are treated like second-class citizens by human society. As a part of the peace treaty that spared them from total annihilation, vampires who reach the age of eighteen are sent to "reformatories" to have their supposedly harmful tendencies "educated" out of them. This typically involves plenty of spanking.

The main character is Willow, a student at the Ostland Female Vampire Reformatory. There is nothing especially remarkable about Willow. She's as average as they come, and she has adapted quite well to life at the reformatory. However, things are about to change when a new student by the name of Dawn is assigned to be her "Little Sister". Dawn has some big secrets that will drastically shake things up for Willow.

In addition to Willow's main story, there are several side stories involving other characters. This is a choice-driven game. There are FOUR possible endings for Willow depending on what choices you make. Likewise, there are SEVEN side stories that can be resolved depending on your choices.

For those anxious about making the "wrong" choices, there is a Word document entitled walkthrough.docx in the game folder that will provide you with answers with minimal spoilers.

NOTE: Like most spanking-themed RPG Maker games, the spanking "scenes" are audio-only. If you're an artist who wishes to contribute to making these scenes more visual, please get in contact with me.



Willow is our main character. She's fairly average in all aspects. What becomes of her depends on the choices you make for her.


A new student with some secrets. She is Willow's assigned "Little Sister".

Headmaster Smith

The Headmaster of the reformatory is an intelligent man who is hard to read. He can be both merciful and ruthless depending on criteria that perhaps nobody except he understands.

Professor Harrison

The math professor. He is an orderly man who relies on pure logic over emotion, so don't expect much sympathy from him.

Professor Wilson

The philosophy professor. He is known to be a major pervert. He enjoys humiliating punishments, but he is very soft-hearted when it comes to spankings.

Professor Stein

The science professor. He is a pure sadist who bullies the most emotionally vulnerable students.

Professor Clark

The history professor. He is an extremely self-obsessed man who cares a lot about his image and how others perceive him.


Mark is the son of the Headmaster, who recently started working as a receptionist. His father wants him to get into teaching one day, but Mark is conflicted. He is probably the only person on staff who has any sort of moral compass.


Not his real name, but you don't need to know his real name. He is the Lead Torturer (yes, you read that right) in the reformatory's dungeon (you also read that right). Don't let his thuggish appearance and penchant for sadism fool. He is far more clever than people realize.


Iliana is a rather shy and quiet girl from the Sun Clan. Her timidity has made her a target for Professor Stein.


Anna is one of the prefects of this unit of the reformatory. However, she believes that her prefect duties include helping fellow students in need, sometimes if that means getting in trouble herself.


"Naked Natalie" she is called. She is a recovering kleptomaniac. Her history of compulsive theft has resulted in her being forbidden to wear clothing.


Big Sister to Amy. Has a bit of a temper.


Little Sister to Lin. If she causes trouble for anyone, she is wracked by a guilty conscience.


Prefect and aspiring journalist. She wants to start a school newspaper. She is willing to go the extra mile to achieve her goals. She is known to be the most merciful prefect.


She is self-conscious about her pink skin tone. Besides the color, her skin has a rubbery quality to it that makes it very difficult for her to be spanked. However, she has a secret weakness that the Headmaster knows about.


The daughter of a noble who loves her family dearly. She wants nothing more than to be able to return home.


A prefect with a bit of a sadistic streak.


Her appearance terrifies people, but she is actually really nice.


A haughty vampire lord with the rare ability to alter people's cognition. He does as he pleases and doesn't care who he hurts in the process. His purpose for visiting the reformatory is unknown.

"Vampire Reformatory" by stbo is published for you by a search aggregator and is available in a one click. All files of the game is 162 MB. Try out other bdsm and dystopian games to find the best. Take a look at the screenshots of the game to get familiar with the style, genre and gameplay. Share the link to "Vampire Reformatory" to help other players know more about it. Find more games like this using search by tags or by category.

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Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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