Treatise (Demo) poster
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Updated 2021-10-21
Developer Dark Dragon Games
Language en
Total size 656mb
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Treatise (Demo)



This game is a psychological horror game that is inspired by Visage. Its goal is to be the scariest game out there. So please, if you have any feedback, please let us know how to make this game as scary as possible.



You play as Carl Anderson in 1968 where your wife left you for your brother. You get upset and wastes your time getting drunk and doing illegal activity. Once you die from a car crash, you wake up in your house. You want to know why you did all these terrible things to your wife, kid, and innocent people. To do this you must look in the past...




You wake up in your house. The house is filled with mystery. Walk around the house as you discover the past inhabitants, and how they also did terrible things.



You are defenseless. You move slow. You can't do anything a normal human can do. Can you still survive??


This game by Dark Dragon Games is provided for you by a search aggregator and is available in a one click. All files of the game is 656 MB. Try to play other 3d and demo free games to find the best. Take a look at provided screenshots of this before downloading it to get familiar with the style, genre and gameplay. Share the link to this game to help other players know more about it. You can find more games like this using our rich search.

More psychological horror porn games

Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

Game screenshots:
Screenshot 0Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10

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