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Updated 2025-03-27
Developer Kitsune Sam
Patreon SamTheFox
Total size 493mb
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Trapped in a Videogame

Snowli and his friends along with his teacher were put inside a video game console But you choose your protagonist! Would you help them get out of the video game console? and you will meet new friends

Snowli y Sus amigos junto con su profesor fueron metidos adentro de una consola de videojuegos! Pero tu puedes elegir tu protagonista! te gustaria ayudarlos en salir de la consola de videojuego?  y tu conoceras nuevos amigos


This is a M/M NSFW Game

The Game contains sex scene (This information will be updated in the future)


Este juego es M/M NSFW Game

El juego contiene escenas sexuales (Esta informacion sera actualizada en el futuro)


Supported Languages/Lenguajes soporte:




Support me on Patreon/Apoyame en Patreon

If you like this version of the game but want more/ Si te gusta esta versión del juego pero quieres más

to get early access to new builds and see the progress of my project/ Para tener acceso a nuevas actualizaciones y ver el progreso de mi proyecto

for previews and release announcements/ para anuncios de lanzamientos de futuras actualizaciones 

Important note:

For now 3 routes are available/Por ahora hay disponible 3 rutas (Snowli,Luke and Ramon)

this version not have music and fx for now/ esta version no tiene musica y fx por ahora

In future builds the other routes will be available as well/En futuras Actualizaciones estarán disponible las otras rutas también

The game by Kitsune Sam is published for you by an automatic search aggregator and is available for free to download right now. The total size of this game is 0 MB. You can support the developer of "Trapped in a Videogame" - Kitsune Sam on patreon. Try playing other adult and bara free games to find the best. Check out the screenshots of this before downloading it to learn more about genre and gamepay. Share your opinion about this game to help other players know more about it. Find more adult games using search and tags.

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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

Game screenshots:

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