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Updated 2024-04-02
Developer JURASSICMeX Entertainment
Language en, es
Total size 143mb
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Track 13: An AJR Fangame (DEMO)

(Únicamente DEMO disponible).

(Only DEMO available).

(es): Bienvenido a este bello, extraño y triste mundo done tú habitas, aquí todo gira en torno a tres viejos habitantes que dejaron un gran legado desde el día que llegaron y ahora vigilan desde arriba. Sin embargo, hay un lugar que nadie recuerda pero siempre estuvo ahí, este alucinante, pequeño y alegre lugar está por ser tomado por fuerzas invasoras con la intención de anexarlo a su malvado imperio.

Éste es un fangame de AJR, por lo que no es contenido oficial de los mismos. Este videojuego es un tributo a la obra The Maybe Man (TMM) que no pretende plagiar dicha obra en ningún sentido.

(en): Welcome to this beautiful, weird and sad world were you habit, here everything's about three old inhabitants that made a graet legacy since the day they came up, and now they watch above. However, there's a place nobody remembers but it was always there, this amazing, small and cheerful place is about to be taken by invader forces with the intention to append it to their evil empire.

This is an AJR fangame, therefore this is not official content of the aforementioned entity. This video game is a tribute to the The Maybe Man (TMM) work that does not pretend to plagiarize the aforementioned work.

This game by JURASSICMeX Entertainment is provided for you by our large game collection and is available for free to download right now. The total size of this game is 0 MB. Try to play other 2d and ajr games to find the best. Check out the screenshots of the game to get familiar with the style, genre and gameplay. Leave your opinion to allow others to discover it. You can find more adult games like this using our rich search.

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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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