The Martin Experiment - Alpha Version (2024) poster
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Updated 2024-04-24
Developer Distrac-Fu
Patreon TheMartinExperiment
Total size 564mb
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The Martin Experiment - Alpha Version (2024)

Thank you for playing!This project is an exciting new game that we've been developing for almost five years, but we need your help to bring it to completion. By supporting us on Patreon or Subscribestar, you'll be contributing to our efforts to create an amazing game that you'll love. Keep reading to learn more about the game and how you can get involved!

The Martin Experiment is an erotic comedy visual novel full of mysteries and conspiracies, and you play as Martin, a young man who has been abandoned by his father without any notice and left to fend for himself. Feeling betrayed and on the brink of losing his mind in fear of being evicted, Martin has let himself go, heavily neglecting his hygiene and sustenance.

But when a beautiful woman shows up at his door, Martin's life takes an unexpected turn. She calls him by name, but Martin has no idea who she is. Despite his reluctance to interact with anyone, Martin knows he must open the door and confront the unknown woman standing on the other side.  What could happen from this encounter? 

Plans for this alpha release:I want to redraw every sprite and background of this game to match the current art style we have, using all the techniques and tools we learned in 4 years of development. You will notice the drastic quality change during the gameplay and will understand why It’s needed.I want to write more dialogue and thoughts for Martin based on the player’s actions and clicks. I have all the structure to pull this up in place already.I want to crack some laughs inserting at least one hilarious minigame for this alpha.

This project relies on the generous support from Patreon and Subscribestar users to keep funding our efforts to bring this game to life. This wouldn't be possible without you! I’m planning to make an extra effort to organize my schedule and start providing valuable content for supporters and also on social media, starting in the following weeks!

That’s perfectly fine If you're unable to pledge, or don’t want to. Just playing The Martin Experiment is already a great form of support! You can also help by spreading the word about this game to others. Your support means the world to me!

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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

Game screenshots:
Screenshot 0Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7

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