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Updated 2025-03-23
Developer kawaraya
Language en
Total size 441mb
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Tentacle Armor and the Mystic Tower

A tower suddenly appeared in the northern lands.

At first glance, it was a mysterious structure.

But it could also be a nest of monsters.

Or an ark for invaders from another world.

For the sake of the people who live there, they couldn't just leave it like this.

Until they could traverse it, investigate further, and ensure the safety of the tower.

However, there was one reason why the investigation into this tower had not progressed.

To enter the tower, it was necessary to equip special armor prepared by the tower itself...?

One day, a captured thief named Sarifa was brought to the tower.

Use the power of the Tentacle Armor to overpower your enemies and advance.

However, this is not the case when your HP decreases.

The Tentacle Armor will continue to invade your host, and you will enter a "berserk" state.

When this happens, your abilities will increase,

but you will also be robbed of your freedom by the Tentacle Armor and will not be able to choose your actions.

It is up to you to avoid this state or use it to your advantage...

Also, as you progress through your adventure, the Tentacle Armor will acquire new forms.

Use the characteristics of each form to your advantage on your adventure.

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Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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