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Updated 2024-05-30
Developer Terralith
Language en
Total size 145mb
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Subverting Power

First a few words from the author. This is NOT a complete game. Not in the sense that it completes a story, not in a game mechanical sense, not in a graphical sense and lastly, not in the sense that it's currently a game at all. It's very much a work in progress and I'd never expect to sell it to anyone. If you download it and play it I'm grateful for that. I'd be even more grateful if you leave some productive criticism, a word of encouragement or similar. If you aim to crap on it for whatever reason, please don't. There's nothing you can crap on it for that I haven't already thought of. The suggested prize of a dollar is simply there to give the option to donate something to the development. I might get the option to buy a better computer eventually (the one I have now is woefully subpar), to aquire some actual handcrafted art for the game or similar. Any contributions are very appreciated and to tell the truth, unexpected and will be used to help the development.

With that said...

Imagine the TV series Heroes, but with some changes in the way things work. What if the vast majority of power manifestations were unhelpful or even deadly for the person? What if powers manifested with puberty for a large portion of the population? What if the governments and different organizations vie for power by controlling superhumans and their powers by different means? It's a much starker reality. Our protagonist is in a detention center for children with the potential to form such powers. He's one of the few that will actually get out as he seems to have developed a power so insignificant that it can even be detected. At least that's what his handlers (and he) believes. The vast majority of children detained here die as their powers manifest with puberty (Imagine suddenly discovering that you have the power to teleport just to realize you've teleported a lethal distance straight up or down, that you have the power to explode, some mental capacity that drives you insane and forces you to kill yourself or any of a myriad of powers that alter your physicality in some lethal way - think a power augmented cancer, some gland that release lethal toxins into your body or something similar). Some develop powers that are useful for the government and are recruited in one of many ways. Some develop powers that are simply too dangerous to allow and are eliminated. Others are resistant to recruitment and are eliminated for that reason. Our protagonist is set to get out though, and the security officer seems to have taken a liking to him (for some reason he and she doesn't understand) and gives him an offer he can't refuse. This leads him to his new home, a gated community of sorts and a tranquil island in a world in chaos. One of many that have popped up around the world for the talented and wealthy to escape to in exchange for their work or money. The outside world is in chaos following the wave of deaths of a whole generation of children and the havoc their uncontrolled powers created before the system of detainment was implemented to protect the people. Society is reeling from the damage that was done before the government took action though. The government of what is called the commonwealth is on track to take back control and stabilize everything, but at what cost? Who is really in control? What is really going on?

Our protagonist sets out on a personal journey to discover who he is, what his powers are, what they can become and what his role is in this chaotic reality is. Will he try to use his powers to help people or for pure self interest? Maybe a combination of both is possible? Will he fall to any of a huge array of dangers around him like anti-power sentiments and vigilantes, people and organizations who would want to control him and his powers for their own gain and many more? What cool powers exist out there and can he discover some way to gain more powers or control the powers of others?

This game by Terralith is provided for you by an automatic search aggregator and is available for free to download right now. The total size of this game is 0 MB. Try to play other superpowers free games to find the best. Check out the screenshots of this game to meet the style and the gameplay. Leave a comment to help other players know more about it. You can find more games like this using our rich search.

Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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