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Updated 2019-11-25
Developer Vincent
Total size 397mb
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Sonic Pumpkin!

The story of girls who fell in love with the wind...

One day, track and field trainer Shinzou met a girl named Kie
who only had one thing on her mind -- how fast her legs could carry her.
With the help of his assistant Komori, Shinzou begins to train Kie.
Along with countless rivals, they're aiming for the fastest 100 meter dash in Japan.
And then, the world...

Faster! Sexier! Aim for the Yolympics! A track and field simulation starring a girl
who has given up her youth to be the best!

- System -
You play as Shinzou, the trainer that's going to take Kie to the top! Through a special
technique called SHS, your goal is to make Kie the fastest sprinter in the world!
Whether she starts like a rocket, takes a balanced approach, or comes from behind
with a miracle victory, how Kie performs is all up to you. Train Kie as she participates in different events, from district preliminaries all the way to the Yolympics!
As for the story, watch the lives of track team girls unfold over the course of four years.
Over 150 rivals appear over the course of 15 different events!

- What is SHS? -
SHS is a revolutionary trainign technique created by you, Shinzou, along with J. Snyder in
the 2000s. The basic principal is that athletes have high amounts of sexual desire, and that
by providing a release, their performance improves.

- Track and field simulation game for Windows
- Play time: 10 hours
- Over 50 event scenes
- Demo version allows easy control confirmation
- Updates and bug fixes planned

Circle: Vincent

This game by Vincent is published for you by an automatic search aggregator and is available for free download. The total size of this game is 397 MB. Try to play other school/academy and gag/joke free games to find the best. Take a look at the screenshots of the game before downloading it to meet the style and the gameplay. Share the link to "Sonic Pumpkin!" to allow others to discover it. You can find more adult games like this using search and tags.

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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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