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Updated 2022-11-10
Developer GoodThings Development
Total size 1mb
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Das ist die erste Grafik-Demo zu dem Amiga 500 Game Barbariana. 

Barbariana ist ein sogenanntes „dunkles Abenteuer“. Es wird eine düstere Geschichte erzählt, die sich um die Gräfin eines Landes dreht. Der Spieler hat die Möglichkeit „Gräfin Christiana“ zu retten und wird sich im Laufe des Spiels an den Übeltätern rächen. So viel zur Geschichte.

Amiga 500, 1MB-Ram, Kick 1.3


This is the first graphics demo for the Amiga 500 game Barbariana.

Barbariana is a so-called "dark adventure". A dragic story is told that revolves around the countess of a country. The player has the opportunity to save "Countess Christiana" and will take revenge on the evildoers in the course of the game. So much for the story.

Amiga 500, 1MB-Ram, Kick 1.3

"SlideShow-Barbariana" by GoodThings Development is published for you by a search aggregator and is available in a one click. All files of this game is 0 MB. Try other adult and horror games to find your favourite. Check out provided screenshots of this before downloading it to meet the style and the gameplay. Share the link to "SlideShow-Barbariana" to allow others to discover it. Find more NSFW games like this using search and tags.

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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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