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Updated 2023-04-29
Developer DinDinDinDin
Total size 320mb
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Seika vs Tentacle Monster

Former idol Seika is a scientist who aspires to research for the development of medicine.

Today she has set out to explore deep in the mountains, far from where she lives.

The purpose is to get a sample of the tentacle monster, which is said to have lived for thousands of years.

"Aramaa", who always drew pictures for this series, became an erotic manga artist, and now he can't draw for me anymore.

I must celebrate his success and send him off.

As for the pictures in this series, I decided to ask someone else to draw them.

Image:Bionics Natto Ninja()

Voice(dialogue part):Tsuzumi Suzuki(CeVIO)

Voice(H scene part):Ms.Hanagasa(Twitter:@hanagasa_w02)


Sound effect:"Pierrot lunaire" ()

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Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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