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Updated 2025-02-28
Developer BedivereBadger
Total size 119mb
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Ring Around the Lovely

(Content Warning: This game contains some Sexual Content, Harsh Language, and Fantasy Violence. Only play if you are +18)


This is Ring Around the Lovely, my submission for the 2025  Love + Attraction game jam. You can find all the entries to the jam . Go check em out :3

But while you're here, enjoy the project that I spent 3 sleepless nights on! (Don't procrastinate, y'all!)

An eager bear decides to propose to his boyfriend, but in his haste, gets him a cursed ring. How are they going to get out of this conundrum? Who knows!

Anyhow I hope you enjoy it. :3


(Important Note:)

Currently the game doesn't have music, but once I get all the tracks picked out, I'll slap em in. I'd say by tomorrow if I don't crash out :3

In the meantime, I'd recommend putting on the  in the background while playing. I had it on while working on this project, and I feel like they match the tone pretty well. :)

"Ring Around the Lovely" by BedivereBadger is published for you by members of and is available for free download. All files of this game is 0 MB. Try playing other adult and furry games to find your favourite. Check out provided screenshots of this to meet the style and the gameplay. Leave a comment to help other players know more about it. Find more games like this using our rich search.

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Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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