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Updated 2021-11-01
Developer CrucibleSoftworks
Patreon cruciblesoftworks
Total size 87mb
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PROJECT MUSE - Public 3D Tech Demo for Android & Windows

Greetings again, people!
It was a long time since we gave any sign of life last time. We appreciate your positive reactions on our last demo called Entouched which we removed from public view only because it no longer represents our qualities too much, but the project is not forgotten, its more alive than ever, just went trough a pretty chaotic period which is about to end finally.

This time we brought you something different. Project MUSE is an interactive demo that is meant to represent some of our advanced body physics and our new touch input system which is compatible with PC Mouse Input and Android Touch Input as well.

Our point is on the android version to be honest, because (as you may see) this thing has pretty much detail on it and we give you this free demo because we would really like to hear your opinion about how it runs for you, do you like this new direction so we can see if there is a need for this type of adult games for mobile devices. So please let us know In the comment section.

This is really an experimental build with much detail on the body, layered animation system, inverse kinematics and advanced body physics, so it's obviously not recommended to try it on weaker/older devices. But if your phone/tablet is good with regular 3D games, then give it a shot and lets see how you can enjoy it : )

The windows version functions as a comparison reference and a way to let everyone see and try what we are doing here.

A bit more limited than the PC build. Containing one body type, moderate lighting and visuals.

You can interact with the breasts and bottom by touch and also can rotate + move the character by dragging her by the waist.


Full feature version. Containing two body types, advanced lighting and shadows.

You can interact with the breasts and bottom, her belly, waist and thighs by clicking and also can rotate + move the character by dragging her by the waist.

Thanks if you spend time on this and if you support us with your thoughts or in other ways. The featured system is already in use in our two major game projects, serving as a new standard about interactive bodies. We try our best to release one of these games as soon as possible, but we have to take our time to bring quality and details to a satisfying level.

If you like what we are doing that much, you can support our progress further on Patreon trough the link below:

Thank you for all your positive feedbacks and interest in what we are doing. It's well appreciated as always.

Stay awesome, have fun and see you next time!

The game by CrucibleSoftworks is provided for you by our large adult game library and is available for free download. The total size of this game is 87 MB. You can support the developer of this game - CrucibleSoftworks on patreon. Try playing other 3d and adult free games to find your favourite. Take a look at provided screenshots of the game before downloading it to meet the style and the gameplay. Share your opinion about PROJECT MUSE - Public 3D Tech Demo for Android & Windows to help other players know more about it. Find more games using our rich search.

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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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