Party Night poster
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Updated 2022-12-20
Developer FlameTreeGames
Total size 6mb
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Party Night

Party Night is based on my experiences of going out with my friends to queer parties in Barcelona before the pandemic.

It’s entirely written in gender-neutral language, no gendered pronouns. I challenged myself to write the whole game this way hoping that anybody who played it could replace any of the characters in the game with their own friends.

Party Night is, in many ways, about trying to weather a terrible party with the power of friendship… and mood enhancers, if you’re into that.

The night starts a midnight and ends at 6 am (if you make it to the end!). The ending is a narrative summary of what went on during the night. It can go in so many directions, I hope you'll give it a few runs.

It started as a pet project to learn how to code and grew into basically a short interactive novel. I’ve been working on this on and off for about a year in my free time, I’m hoping you get at least a chuckle out of it.

I hope you give it a chance and enjoy it.

- Joel P.

Disclaimer: during a playthrough, you could encounter events referring to substance use and abuse, as well as anxiety/mental health. 

It is an exe file. Played on console/command prompt.

"Party Night" by FlameTreeGames is published for you by our large adult game library and is available for free download. All files of the game is 0 MB. Try playing other adult and exploration free games to find the best. Check out the screenshots of this to learn more about genre and gamepay. Share this game to help other players know more about it. You can find more adult games using search and tags.

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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

Game screenshots:
Screenshot 0Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7

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