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Updated 2025-03-26
Developer 陸の埠頭
Language original
Total size 329mb
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NPC Fuck ~ I with ego devours a woman ~

Original title: NPC姦~自我を持った俺が女を食い荒らす~

It is an RPG game that was the main NPC rape.

As other characters touch him as "part of the event," one man finally accepts the fact that "This world is made by someone." Beyond the framework of the game, he begins to understand the concept of "free will".

It is a game where you talk to NPCs and get along with their children.

even in a sex scene, npcs try to repeat the same lines
Only the body reacts!

Some characters change their lines before and after the event.

battle ants!However, it is a system that consumes HP when it comes into contact not with troublesome things and defeats it.

Basic CG 51 sheets
188 sheets including difference

A child running around and the owner of an inn.Sister and adventurers on vacation ...... etc.

It has become to be able to commit the monster of the female form as an omake element.



他のキャラクターたちが「イベントの一部」として彼に接する中で、ある男はついに「この世界は誰かが作ったものだ」という事実を受け入れる。 ゲームの枠を超えて、彼は「自由意志」という概念を理解し始める。





基本CG 51枚



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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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