Love Once (Valentine's Jam) poster
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Updated 2024-02-13
Developer Norpheus Studios
Total size 120mb
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Love Once (Valentine's Jam)

Love Once is a cozy aesthetic visual novel that aims a cute loving characters, wonderful backgrounds and peaceful audiotracks, It aims a happy and loving ending that make your heart melts.


Love Once is a visual novel that revolves around the heartwarming relationship between two main characters, whom players can name as they prefer. The game is set in a tranquil park, offering a serene backdrop for the unfolding love story.

The narrative follows the couple as they spend a day together in the park, enjoying various cozy activities such as picnicking, reading, and watching the sunset. As they reminisce about their past and share their hopes for the future, players are immersed in the cozy atmosphere of their budding romance.

Throughout the game, players make choices that influence the direction of the story, including suggesting romantic activities and discussing their future together. These decisions shape the couple's journey and ultimately lead to a heartwarming climax where one character proposes marriage.

With its emphasis on cozy, aesthetic moments and the power of love, Love Once offers players a relaxing and uplifting experience as they witness the bond between the two characters deepen and evolve.

(A short love story)NOTICE:

I made this game shortly but quality for y'all, If you want to expand, kindly comment about the game.


I greatly appreciate your donation in my game, It will help my game assets to produce high quality game. Thank you!

"Love Once" by Norpheus Studios is available for you by and is available for free to download right now. All files of the game is 0 MB. Try out other adult and fantasy free games to find the best. Check out provided screenshots of the game to meet the style and the gameplay. Leave your opinion to help other players know more about it. Find more games like this using search and tags.

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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

Game screenshots:
Screenshot 0

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