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Updated 2024-01-08
Developer BowlByteGames
Patreon BowlbyteGames433
Language es
Total size 159mb
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Lockheart (NSFW +18)

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At the moment the game is a prototype developed in Spanish, but it is still intuitive when playing.


Lockheart trata acerca de la vida de un chico de 18 años de nombre Jake, quien ha nacido con un fisico que no logró desarrollarse por completo, tampoco obtuvo dones sobresalientes, por ello es tratado como una basura, pero el tenía un sueño, demostrar que el tambien podría llegar a ser el lider de un gran Gremio como lo fue su Padre y su Hermano (Quienes se reían de él y lo menospreciaban pues nunca había conseguido nada, su fisico era su impedimento, y era la verguenza para su Familia).

Tras una traumatica vida de rechazos, golpes y maltratos por parte de su familia y compañeros, adopta una personalidad miedosa, con complejos y debilidades, ha crecido creyendo que solo es una carga para sus padres. 

Una noche, ocurre un accidente en su casa, la cual termina provocando un incendio, sus padres mueren, pero él por alguna extraña razón logra sobrevivir. Todo el pueblo lo culpa por la muerte de sus padres,

Es por eso que los maltratos y el acoso continuan.

Pasado el tiempo, mientras limpiaba los escombros de su antigua vivienda, encuentra una carpeta... Era la herencia de su abuelo, al parecer Jake era el legitimo dueño de una vivienda en un lejando pueblo de nombre Lockheart. Ahí estaba la razón por la que sus padres  lo odiaban, ellos jamás le iban a querer contar la verdad pues pensaban que un bueno para nada no se merecía tal regalo.

Jake lo tenía claro, quería demostrar que apesar de su fisico y sus torpes habilidades, él podría llegar a ser el gran lider de un gremio, y esta iba a ser su oportunidad.

Lockheart es mi primera novela visual seria, este prototipo intenta generar un mundo semi-abierto en una Novela Visual. 

podrás navegar por el pueblo abriento paso a nuevas áreas y zonas mientras vas avanzando la historia, conociendo personas y relacionandote con ellas, podras coleccionar objetos, librar combates por turnos estilo RPG, mejorar tus habilidades, mini-juegos, y decidir si te vuelves un Heroe o un Villano para el nuevo pueblo.


Lockheart is about the life of an 18-year-old boy named Jake, who was born with a physique that did not fully develop, nor did he obtain outstanding gifts, which is why he is treated like trash, but he had a dream, to prove that He could also become the leader of a great Guild like his Father and Brother were (who laughed at him and belittled him because he had never achieved anything, his physique was his impediment, and he was a shame for his Family).

After a traumatic life of rejections, beatings and abuse by his family and colleagues, he adopts a fearful personality, with complexes and weaknesses, he has grown up believing that he is only a burden for his parents.

One night, an accident occurs in his house, which ends up causing a fire, his parents die, but for some strange reason he manages to survive. The whole town blames him for the death of his parents,

That is why abuse and harassment continue.

After time, while cleaning the rubble of his old home, he finds a folder... It was his grandfather's inheritance, apparently Jake was the legitimate owner of a home in a distant town called Lockheart. That was the reason why his parents hated him, they were never going to tell him the truth because they thought that a good-for-nothing person didn't deserve such a gift.

Jake was clear about it, he wanted to show that despite his physique and his clumsy abilities, he could become the great leader of a guild, and this was going to be his opportunity.

Lockheart is my first serious visual novel, this prototype tries to generate a semi-open world in a Visual Novel.

You will be able to navigate through the town making your way to new areas and zones as you advance the story, meeting people and interacting with them, you will be able to collect objects, fight RPG style turn-based combat, improve your skills, mini-games, and decide if you become a Hero or a Villain for the new town.

Advances for this first beta:

In this first edition you will be able to carry out two Missions

The Mission of the BookThe Mission of the Special Plant2 NSFW Scenes in the basementDojo Agility Mini-GameSusan's Garden Memorama Mini-GameRead Books that increase your knowledge or physique by reading in noon at the libraryCollect cookies in your kitchen in the morningsReceive apples by helping Susan in the Garden in the afternoons

(Edible items help you increase your Health Points while you are in a fight)

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Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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