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Updated 2024-04-16
Developer Weekly Game Challenge
Total size 215mb
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Infinity Edge

Jesus, where to start. For one, I can't draw for crap, so enjoy lol. The well made characters are actually using a character maker you can buy from itch. I hand drew the boss and everything else. I have decided I want to do something similar to this, but in my own style totally from scratch. If you really love this, i can include the source for free if this gets enough attention. 

Features it has that works: 

1) level up 

2) get stats to spend (press C to enter stats and esc to go back to game) 

3) Portrait and character skin change every 10 levels once unlocked (doesn't work in the fighting portion of the game. I was going to add that and could, but said MEH. 

4) Random Card and Card Draft Mechanic. 

5) Upgrade shop with sweet stripper (you are welcome, I drew that). 

6) A Giant fat bitch that pisses on you, because I know what my naughty babies on itch like. 

7) Turn based battle system that mostly works. It rolls a random number and then the enemy does 1 of 4 things. I plan on making this more advance. 

mouse to click and move around. C to go to stat screen. I to show stats. I again to close stats. Esc to leave stat screen. Mirror to change appearance. America to buy upgrades. 

Roguelite elements when you die you lose all boosts from cards. 

known bugs: 

1) When you use a skill it uses more than it should. Not sure why. 

2) Boss is glitchy AF and doesn't trigger death animation which is a shame. She was suppose to explode in milk bursty chubby goodness. She do piss on you though, so that is worth a dollar or well, idk. You can keep your dollar i guess. Just don't cancel me, i want to make MOAR. 

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