Huge breasts brothel - Healed Tayu conceived of the night crane ~ (Related products of this title) poster
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Updated 2023-08-25
Developer エレクトリップ
Language original
Total size 2gb
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Huge breasts brothel - Healed Tayu conceived of the night crane ~ (Related products of this title)

Original title: 爆乳遊廓 ~癒され太夫孕ませの夜鶴~ (このタイトルの関連商品)

In the spring of the 5th year of Reiwa, there are still many styles such as kimono and zori.
In Fukamachi, a geisha district in Kosaka, an incident threatens people's lives.
One is a very vicious and scary incident called a passerby, and the other is a dog act that is carried out persistently night after night.、
It is a stalking act that is said now, especially husbands and courtesans who go to the hanamachi are targeted.
Along with the incident of the street demon, the insidious crime became the object of fear, gradually moving people away from the hanamachi.

Through his best friend "Kuroho," the main character is joined by a high-class courtesan, Tayu "Yazuru."
It was a hero who has never done the work of an escort, but I think that I can repay the favor to the temple that is indebted to me, and immediately agreed.
However, this Tayu, when it is time to escort the night, comes closer and closer to the main character who is the watchman!
At first it is your mouth, next it is titty, I will push forward to the place where I can finally go ......!?
It is said that he gets up from noon and gathers information from the people of the market to search for the culprit, and at night he decides to sleep in the morning with Tayu、
The protagonist who is immersed in the sexual life in the hanamachi that was a little rotten ─ ─




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Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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