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Updated 2024-12-29
Developer calvinjohnston
Total size 455mb
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Bakunyu Futanari Planet Pioneering Staff “Nagisa” Escape from the Lair of the Sketchy Aliens

In the year 2XXX, a new Earth-like planet was suddenly observed.

The Earthlings quickly formed a planetary colonization team and began to develop it...

The colonization went smoothly, and one day, after a few years had passed,

Hoshikawa Nagisa, a girl from Team A, had finished her work for the day and was asleep, but was woken up by a big earthquake.

She ran out of her room to check out the situation outside, and what she saw was...

A top-down survival action RPG!

Using the self-defense weapons you start with, you'll progress while defeating or ignoring the mysterious creatures that attack you.

As you explore, you'll pick up new weapons, upgraded parts, ammunition, and more to give you an advantage in the game.

When you receive an enemy attack, not only will your HP decrease, but the durability of your suit will also decrease.

If your suit is damaged, you will be naked and become prey to the aggressive erotic attacks of the mysterious creatures...

Of course, even if you are wearing a suit, there are many enemies that will launch their own erotic attacks.

(Examples: kissing, licking your face, etc.)

There are 24 types of erotic animation in total! + variations.

"Bakunyu Futanari Planet Pioneering Staff “Nagisa” Escape from the Lair of the Sketchy Aliens" by calvinjohnston is provided for you by and is available for free to download right now. The total size of this game is 0 MB. Try other 2d and adult games to find the best. Check out provided screenshots of this to learn more about genre and gamepay. Share your opinion about Bakunyu Futanari Planet Pioneering Staff “Nagisa” Escape from the Lair of the Sketchy Aliens to help other players know more about it. Find more NSFW games like this using search and tags.

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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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