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Updated 2019-07-03
Developer Poring
Total size 171mb
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Attack it! Devil legion

* Synopsis

In the 60th Anniversary of the treaty of peace between Human and Mazoku,
the new Mao received a great mission to end peace and MAKE MAZOKU GREAT AGAIN
lead the Mazoku to conquer the world again, however, time has changed,
power is no longer the key to conquer the world, waves of challenges await...
Work hard! Mao! Lead your troops to conquer the whole world once again!

* Gameplay

This is a strategic action game. You can deploy various teams to defeat your enemies,
there are 8 characters in the game, each character has 2 modes.
Picking appropriate teammates to beat each level is the key of success.

This game uses pixel art to illustrate Hentai content.
When an update is available, you need to re-download the game form this website.
There are 28 levels in total and the estimated completion time is 4-5 hours.




This game by Poring is available for you by a search aggregator and is available for free download. The total size of this game is 171 MB. Try to play other no reverse and dot/pixel free games to find your favourite. Check out the screenshots of this to get familiar with the style, genre and gameplay. Share this game to allow others to discover it. You can find more games using search and tags.

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Download and install instructions

Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

Game screenshots:

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