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Updated 2024-12-21
Developer Vaccaria
Total size 30mb
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-repent loci- useless apologies of a troublesome witch

This game is part of the Repent Loci series.Synopsis 

A bunch of high school students are stranded at school, waiting for the end of a school day plagued with absent teachers. 

One of the students, a lonely girl with an eerie behavior, is called a witch and inspires worry to all but one male student, the player, who seems to disagree and routinely volunteers to interact with the witch. 

Far from subsiding, though, the situation gets eerier as strange markings appear on the blackboards, and the witch starts causing floods on purpose; never stopping, but always apologizing for it. 

The situation reaches its peak when the male student wakes up at dawn, still at school, and surrounded with way worse than chalk oddities and vain apologies.


The game is divided into 2 chapters: 

The first chapter is set during the daytime, and focuses on storytelling. It mixes wandering around and VN-like dialogue, as the situation builds up.

The male protagonist, and player character;

and the witch.

The second chapter is set during dawn, and focuses on gameplay. It features sliding puzzles, rooms to access and monsters trying to kill you, along with the key to understanding (partially) the situation.

You get followed by one strange silhouette

at first.


This is a horror game. Although quite tame, it might induce stress. 

It contains implicit depictions of school bullying. Might require better CPU than VX Ace's recommendation. As part of the Repent Loci series, the game isn't standalone, and makes better sense in a broader context. It can still be played by itself, though. Credits 

This was intended as both a contribution to Repent Loci, and a team project for the sake of interaction.

Here's the team:

Delsin (script handling, cleanup)Psy (music and sound)Pudding (puzzle design, mapping)Vaccaria (script writing and handling, gameplay development)Zorga (writing, graphics, complaining)

Script list: 

Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Core EngineYanfly Engine Ace - Ace Message SystemYanfly Engine Ace - System OptionsEvent Self Variable by TrihanFix Picture to Map by modern algebraYanfly Engine Ace - Ace Menu EngineYanfly Engine Ace - Ace Status Menu

"-repent loci- useless apologies of a troublesome witch" by Vaccaria is provided for you by our large adult game library and is available for free download. All files of this game is 0 MB. Try playing other 2d and fantasy games to find the best. Check out the screenshots of this game before downloading it to meet the style and the gameplay. Leave a comment to help other players know more about it. You can find more NSFW games like this using our rich search.

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Game is available for direct download from various file storage providers. Install instructions can be found on developer website.

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